In his book Psalms
of the Heart, George Sweeting illustrated a great truth from the experience
of two Moody Bible Institute graduates, John and Elaine Beekman. God called
them to missionary work among the Chol Indians of southern Mexico. Sweeting
reports that they rode mules and traveled by dugout canoes to reach this tribe.
They labored 25 years with other missionaries to translate the New Testament
into the language of the Chol Indians. Today the Chol Church is thriving. More
than 12,000 Christians make up the Chol Christian community, which is financially
self-supporting. What’s interesting is that when the missionaries came, the
Chol Indians didn’t know how to sing. With the coming of the gospel, however,
the believers in the tribe became known as “the singers”. “They
love to sing now,” Sweeting commented, “because they have something
to sing about.”
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