Open Wide
A minister tells of dispensing food to residents in an impoverished area by means of a “soup kitchen.” All of the people were instructed to bring a vessel that would hold about 2 quarts. However, an 11-year-old boy ragged and dirty but with flashing eyes and a winsome smile, lugged in a container that could hold at least 3 gallons. “We would have been ashamed to have put only 2 quarts into that bucket,” said Dr. Barry, “for the youngster came from a large and very poor family. We felt bound to give him a least a gallon, and so we did.”
The Heavenly Father says to us as His children, “Open thy mouth wide and I will fill it.” We need to be more like that trusting lad who carried away twice as much as the others because of his large asking!
Psalms 81:10
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