During the 1840’s in the Fiji Islands of the Pacific, a man was worth $7. You could buy a man for a musket. After you bought him, you could starve him, work him to death, whip him or eat him. (Cannibalism was very popular in those regions.) But if you visited the Fiji Islands 40 years later, you could not buy a man for 7 million dollars. What had made the difference? Heroic missionaries had brought the Christian gospel. 1200 chapels were scattered across the islands. The people had fallen under the spell of the love of God.

Today we worry about the killings that happen routinely in our city. The only way to stop the killing is to teach all people to see others through the eyes of Jesus Christ. As we put on Christian lenses and focus them on all other persons, killing will stop and God’s kingdom will draw nearer.
(“Just a Thought,” 11/10/03, Bill Bouknight)

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