God’s Vacation

Do you know who never goes on vacation? God never takes a vacation from loving us, caring for us, keeping our world running, looking after our needs. This beginning-of-summer children's sermon teaches kids that we are completely dependent on the never-stopping power and love of God.

Play Ball! (an object lesson using a baseball)

When you first start playing baseball, standing at bat can be a scary thing. But every star baseball player started in that same place and only got better with practice and help from others. According to this children's sermon, lots of things in life are like that, but with the help of God...

This Little Light of Mine (an object lesson using a candle)

Our lives are a little like candles. We're ready to shine brightly, but we need to have someone light us up with power and strength. And that's what Jesus does when He comes into our lives. This children's sermon uses a candle to encourage children to shine brightly for Jesus.

“When Angels Sang” (an object lesson using angel hair)

This children's sermon uses a Christmas decoration to focus on the angel messengers who brought good news that first Christmas. One night long ago a group of shepherds were sitting out in the fields taking care of their sheep, when all at once a whole choir of angels were right there singing.

“Christmas News” (an object lesson using a newspaper)

Christmas is good news, but that news only means something when we open our hearts and let Jesus come inside. This Christmas children's sermon invites kids to do just that. "And then we have news that we can share with everyone else!"