Christmas: The Lord Is Come! The Song of Simeon Luke 2:25-33

This Christmas sermon encourages us to have the faith of Simeon. He knew at the beginning of the process that by the time God brought things to completion salvation would be the result. He knew that the baby of Bethlehem would become the Christ of Calvary. He knew that what God was doing in the tiny baby he held in his arms would be well worth the wait.

Christmas: ‘Til He Appeared I John 3:5,8;4:9

"Humbug!" says Mr. Scrooge, "Merry Christmas? What right have you to be merry? What reason do you have to be merry?" This sermon affirms that we have every reason to be merry because Jesus Christ has appeared to take away our sin, to destry the devil's work, and to give us new life!

Christmas: Upside Down Christmas Luke 1:47-55

We come to Christmas thinking of Christmas as the time that sets everything right. Christmas is the time to come home, to return to that time in our memories when all was warm, and good and right, when everything that's come upside down in our lives is set, at least for a couple of days in December, right side up. Yet, as this sermon points out, in the Bible, Christmas was that time when everything was turned upside down.

Incarnation: When Jesus Stepped Out John 1:14

When Jesus stepped into our world, He was love with skin on. He didn't just talk about love, He loved. He didn't just preach on forgiveness. He forgave. He didn't just proclaim the necessity of justice and righteousness. He attacked the unrighteous institutions of His day. He became flesh. He was, in the words of this Christmas sermon, God's love with skin on.

Hope: Christmas Is Hope Matthew 1:18-25

"Why haven't you given up on us, God?" asks this sermon. Because, He answers, I came once as a Surprise Package in Bethlehem's barn, and I will come again to Every Waiting Heart who dares to wear my blood upon His door. For I have Hope in those who repent, who turn from their sinful ways and follow

Christmas: The Spirit of Christmas Present Philippians 4:10-20

When you're thinking about today ... this year ... the present moment of your life; what's your spirit? How do you feel? How do you make sense of life? How do you cope? This Christmas sermon offers two answers based on Philippians 4. First, we can look at reality and see blessing. Second, we can look at faith and see strength.

Christmas: Old Simeon and Anna Luke 2:22-40

Old Simeon and Anna have lived all their lives waiting on the promise of God to bring about the redemption of His people. That one hope, that one vision, that one dream, has been the center of their entire lives. In this first person Christmas sermon, a temple witness watches as Simeon and Anna...