Incarnation: When Jesus Stepped Out John 1:14

When Jesus stepped into our world, He was love with skin on. He didn't just talk about love, He loved. He didn't just preach on forgiveness. He forgave. He didn't just proclaim the necessity of justice and righteousness. He attacked the unrighteous institutions of His day. He became flesh. He was, in the words of this Christmas sermon, God's love with skin on.

Christmas: Christmas Grace (Titus 2:11-14)

There's one gift I need, and I need it 365 days a year. I need it every bit as much as the air I breathe, the water I drink, the food I eat, the shelter over my head, and the love of my family. In fact, it is a gift that is much more important than any or all of these. This sermon looks at the greatest of all Christmas gifts, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christmas: Uncertain Certainties

Jesus came two thousand years ago, He is coming back again, and He comes to us every day, even during the Christmas time of year. Is it possible that Christmas could happen all around us, right under our very nose, and we miss it? This sermon encourages us to approach every single day with a sense of openness, with a sense of receptivity and expectancy, because, "He is coming!'

Christmas: The Nightmare After Christmas

Sometimes "the world out-Herods Herod." The nightmare after Christmas is the symbol of the ghastly power of evil which contradicts the goodness, and love, and life of God. And if you listen, you can still hear Rachel weeping for her children. Yet, in Jesus, this Christmas sermon proclaims, we have God's promise that iin the fullness of God's redemptive purpose, the brokenness of our lives will be healed, too.

Christmas: The Song of Simeon

In the commonplace of man's everyday, God delights to break through, declare and relate Himself to His creatures. No Gospel event shows this more vividly than the song of Simeon. This Christmas sermon encourages us to live expectantly as Simeon did.

Christmas: Christmas Peace

In a wartorn world, what does, "Peace on earth" mean? Christmas peace, says this sermon, begins with peace with God, and that peace is the result of becoming a disciple of Jesus.

Christmas: All I Want for Christmas

This Christmas sermon celebrates the unabashed fun of of the season. All of the fun things and fun times of Christmas remind us that the greatest gift of God Himself was Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That's why we've got all we want for Christmas through Him.

Advent: The Joyful Justice of God (Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Luke 1:46-55)

The real truth about life and history is not found in the forces of oppression or in the dynamics of bloody revolution; the final truth cannot be seen in the practice of inequality or the presence of poverty. The real truth, as depicted in this Christmas sermon, is in the future that Mary saw and that Jesus lived. And when we open our eyes to see it and move our limbs to live it, we, too, like Mary, will sing for joy.

Advent: Whose Child is This?

This sermon encourages high expectations as we approach the baby born on Christmas. Whose Child is this? This is the child who transformed all life and will transform our lives if we let Him.