Easter: From Termination to Emigration John 13:31-14:4

Before the first Easter, Jesus' disciples had known death only as the end of the line. Jesus shows them a new way of looking at death. No longer a stone wall, a barrier, a termination. No, says Jesus, it's only the passage through customs and immigration, before the next train pulls out of the station.

Forgiveness: What Will You Leave at the Cross?

Have you left something at the cross? According to this Easter sermon, you can observe the cross and analyze the cross. You can read about it, even pray to it. But until you leave something there, you haven't embraced the cross.

Easter: Easter as an Earthquake Matthew 28:1-10

On the cross, the world did all it could to Jesus. At Easter, God did all God could to the world. And the earth shook. As this sermon attests, when the stone was rolled away, we got our first glimpse of a new world, a world where death doesn't have the last word, a world where injustice is made right, and innocent suffering is vindicated by the intrusion of a powerful God.

Lent: Dressed to Kill Matthew 17-54b

"Lent consists in doing something!" So What are we doing to advance the Kingdom? Tipping or tithing? Counting the cost or saving souls? Expanding our missionary vision or standing pat? Repenting or rationalizing? Is tradition a guide or has it become a god? These are some of the powerful questions this sermon asks about our discipleship.