Easter: Our Identification Card (Ephesians 2:1-10)

This Easter sermon calls us to remember who we are. Our identification card says we are one with Christ. We have died with Him and we have been buried with Him. But we have also been raised with him to a new life, a life that is limitless in power, in joy, in peace, in freedom, and in hope.

Easter: He Has Been Raised (Matthew 28:1-3)

If there be hope for us, declares this sermon - hope which is not a lie - then it must be hope not of our own creation, mortal as we are, not the result of wishful thinking or human potential. It must be something outside of us and our finitude, some stunning intrusion, some act of God reversing our shuffle toward the grave, overcoming the final enemy. That's Easter!

Easter: The Bottom Line of Easter

The Resurrection gives us the hope, courage, and strength to face life's problems and tribulations, because, as this sermon reminds us, through it we are more than conquerors and heirs of eternal life with our Risen Lord.

Easter: Sharing Our Wounds (John 20)

The message that the risen Christ brought to the disciples on Easter morning is that each body -- wounds and all -- is bound for glory. Each of us needs to get in shape for glory, to practice resurrection; and part of practicing resurrection is sharing our wounds.

Easter: The Proven Gospel

Jesus has defeated death; that is the full message of the Gospel. Yet what the world regards as inviolable laws of nature seem to have been defied. Can Easter be true? This sermon takes a look at proof of the resurrection and the truths that the resurrection proved.

Easter: From Jericho to Jerusalem

As this Easater sermon observes, you can tell a lot about a person by the way he dies. And the way Jesus marched to His death leaves no doubt: He had come to earth for this moment.