Easter: It Is Finished (John 19:28-30)

This Easter sermon invites us to newness of life. Jesus' words from the cross, It is finished" meant not that his life was over, that everything would go back to the same old pattern. Instead, His work was accomplished; everything was different. That for which He had come was completed.

Holy Week: The Healing of Malchus’ Ear

"Here, in a small unplanned moment of grace within a tide of evil, lies the whole of our lesson today. Christ stood among His enemies, the power of evil strong in the air, and in the very midst of their attack on Him He healed an enemy's wound." This Easter sermon reflects on the healing grace of God.

Easter: Learn to Live by Dying!

He died so we might live. Yes, but He also died so we might die -- die to personal ambition, to success, to happiness, to personal rights. No one is as free as the person who has said "yes" to death and now walks in resurrection living. If you really want to live, challenges this Easter sermon, try dying!

Easter: Easter is a Joke! (Text: Ads 2:12-24)

This sermon invites us to picture Easter as a gigantic joke, a joke played by God on the devil. While there are a lot of things in our world to be sad about, Easter proclaims that life is not ultimately a tragedy, but a comedy, a story whose ending comes out right.