How to Reach Your Full Potential for God

Are you excited about your life? Or do you feel as if you are merely existing? Are you moving with confidence toward a desired goal? Or do you feel as if you are drifting along from day to day without any sense of purpose or direction?

Thy Kingdom Come: The Prayer that Changes the World

The Lord's Prayer can be rote, or it can become a divine force unleashing God's glorious blessing. How is "Thy kingdom come" a prayer that literally changes the world? Pray then like this: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come" (Matt. 6:9-10).

Grappling with God

Genesis 32:24-32 I read recently about a man who had passed away and what they wanted the funeral parlor to do with the body. You see this man was a big Pittsburgh Steelers fan, and this is how the family wanted him remembered. So they told the funeral director that instead of placing him in

From Worry To Trust

Matthew 6:25-34 Perhaps the finest golf coach America ever produced was the late Harvey Penick of Texas. He wrote the Little Red Book which is sort of the "golfer's Bible." Mr. Penick said that most golfers do not think on the golf course; they just worry. "Worrying is

How Do You View God?

Exodus 34:6 The title of the lead article in USA Today on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 recorded: "View of God Can Reveal Your Values Politics." Sociologists at Baylor University conducted the new national survey of 1,721 Americans, consisting of 77 questions, with almost 400 answer

God Our Hope In Ages Past

Isaiah 40:1-11, 29-31 It is so tempting in a passage like Is 40:1-11 to read it immediately through the lens of the New Testament. But today I am going to try to avoid this temptation and look at it first and primarily in its original Old Testament context; as hard as that may be for a New Test