Good Friday Communion

I read about a pastor who loved to hike and camp. That was a love he wanted to pass on to his son, Peter. When his son was just a small boy he planned what he thought would be an easy hike on the northern part ... Continue Reading...

Good Friday: In the Silence

This sermon explores the idea of silence. Good Friday, says Willimon, is a time for confession, repentance, honesty and candid self-examination. Jesus is going this night to do His work. Now, in the silence, in the aloneness, we have our work to do as well.

Good Friday: TGI Friday

Do we have a TGI Friday attitude toward the cross? This Easter sermon challenges our cool detachment toward the cross: Keep it on the steeple. Put a bronze one on the altar. Hang one in the baptistry. At least let it get no closer than a nice piece of jewelry. But if we really undertand the cross, we know that it was our sin that put Jesus there.