Jesus Takes Away Our Sin
Object: One clean white cloth, one dirty cloth
Scripture: (Romans 11:27)
Children, I am holding two cloths in my hands. What can you tell me about these two pieces of cloth?
Are they alike, or different? Yes, the one in my right hand is clean. You might say it's "as white as snow." (Hold up toward a light.) But look at the one I'm holding in my left hand. See those dark places? I believe someone has used this cloth to wipe mud off their shoes. Or to remove grease from a car. And I believe this spot is mustard. Even ketchup's on here! It's really a mess. (Hold up to light.) In fact, after handling this cloth I need to wash my hands.
After seeing these two cloths, which one would you choose?
There's another reason why I'm using these two cloths today? Does anyone know? (Pause for response.) The dirty cloth represents a life filled with sin. The clean cloth represents our life when we allow Jesus to take away our sins. After we become a Christian He washes away our sins. He forgives our wrong doings.
At this time we are like a newborn baby. We experience a fresh beginning. When others see our lives they see Jesus living in us.
Let me ask you this: Which cloth represents your life? If you are not a Christian, would you ask Jesus to come into your heart? Ask Him to forgive your wrong doings and cleanse your life.
The Bible speaks to us many times about sins. Listen as I read this verse. "And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins." (Romans 11:27 NIV). Keeping our lives clean is a way to live as a Christian.
Keeping Our Lives in Place
Objects: Buttons, zippers, and strings
Scripture: Proverbs 3:3
Boys and girls, I'm holding in my hand something that manufacturers use to hold clothing together. These are buttons. Here's a zipper. And this is a string. (Show each one as you speak.) Look at your own clothing. Do buttons fasten your clothes? If so, count them. What about a zipper? Any strings or cords? (Pause for response.)
Buttons, zippers and strings have several purposes. They keep our clothes in place. On a cold, windy day, they keep our bodies warm. A zipper may secure a pocket or keep money or other possessions from becoming lost. Have you ever lost a button? Do you ever have a zipper that breaks? (Pause for response.)
Yes, we need buttons, zippers and strings to keep our clothes in place. But more important, we need Jesus to keep our lives in place. Will you share some ways Jesus helps boys and girls? (Allow time for children to respond.) Yes, those are good ways. What about helping us make the right choice? Sharing toys with friends? Respecting our parents? Coming to church? Talking to Him? When we allow God's love to enter our life, He helps us keep our lives in the right place. Listen as I read this verse. "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart" (Proverbs 3:3, NIV).
Please bow your heads as we pray. Dear God, please help each boy and girl present to include you in their daily life. Even little decisions are easy when we pray for your guidance. Amen.
(Ask the pianist to play Blest Be the Tie That Binds as children return to their seats.)
Choosing the Right Road
Object: Road map
Scripture: Psalm 25:4-5 (Print scripture on a card and give to each child.)
Boys and girls, I hold in my hand an item most travelers would not be without. Who can tell me what it is? (Unfold a road map. Display in front of the children.) Yes, this is called a road map. By knowing how to "read" a map, we can get to our destination.
Let's say we begin at point "A" (point to a city) and drive to point "B" (follow a path to another city). In order to use a map effectively, we need to know directions, such as North, South, East and West. We also should know the scale of the map.
Of course, some routes have obstacles. Detours may lead away from the main road. High mountains create barriers. Rivers require a bridge to cross. If we venture off the main road, we may take the wrong route. In fact, sometimes drivers get lost.
Following the route is important in reading a map. And following Jesus is important when we love Him. Can any of you tell me how boys and girls take the wrong road in life? (Pause) What do children do that makes God sad? (Pause for responses.) What about being disobeying our parents? Cheating on a test? Repeating gossip? Staying away from the Lord's house? Yes, these and other things keep us from taking the right road to the Christian life.
In your hand you have a scripture that tells you the way to go. Read with me: "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long" (Psalm 25:4-5 NIV).
(Ask the pianist to play while a soloist sings All the Way My Savior Leads Me as children return to their seats.)

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