Search our library of sermon outlines for fresh ideas preaching a powerful message every week of the year. Browse sermons from renowned pastors to see what others are preaching and find new insights into scripture.
Stewardship: What’s That in Your Hand? Exodus 4:2-5 Marc L. Kirchoff Our decisions to keep more and give less say less about our financial savvy than they do about our faith.
The Church: Letter to Exiles Today Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 Ronald J. Allen The Church: Letter to Exiles Today Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7
Dreams: When the Dream Died Genesis 11:27-32 Brian L. Harbour Dreams: When the Dream Died Genesis 11:27-32
Newness: A New Thing Isaiah 42:16-21; John 12:1-6 William Jacobsen There is something about the mail I enjoy -- I think I know what it is, too. It's the sense of newness.
Patriotism: How God Got America Back II Chronicles 7:12-16 Earl C. Davis I cannot imagine anyone not agreeing with the assessment that we are between the Devil's theft of this nation and God's recovery of it.
Service: Common Tools and Uncommon Tasks (Ex. 4:1-17) B. Clayton Bell God is looking for people who will take what they have in their hands and put it at His disposal.
Fools for Christ I Corinthians 3:18-20 Robert E. Coleman True disciples of Christ invariably became fools in the eyes of the world.
Forgiveness: Whole Again! 2 Kings 5:1-5, 9-14 Charles Clark Too many walk away from the opportunity of spiritual healing, forgiveness, and wholeness because the method is too public and it does not make sense.