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God has a plan for the seasons. And He has a plan for you, says this children's sermon. How can you know God's plan for your life? Pray. Live close to God. Read your Bible daily. Help others. Prepare yourself to do the work God has chosen for you.
The prospect of going first, of going ahead often causes us to hesitate and procrastinate. We hold back waiting for someone else to take the chance or the plunge. The Easter story reminds us that our Savior is the One who is always going ahead of us.
This sermon focuses on Jesus' simple declaration, "Blessed are those who, having not seen, yet have they believed." Just like the beloved disciple, running towards the tomb on that first Easter, we do not have "proof," as we call something proof, no legal certification of the resurrection. Yet we have a relationship with Jesus. We have our own experience of a sure, certain, determined love that will not let go, even in death.
This Easter message reflects on faith through the account of Jesus' conversations with the two criminals crucified alongside him. One spoke from a position of doubt; one spoke with the conviction of faith.
"Lent consists in doing something!" So What are we doing to advance the Kingdom? Tipping or tithing? Counting the cost or saving souls? Expanding our missionary vision or standing pat? Repenting or rationalizing? Is tradition a guide or has it become a god? These are some of the powerful questions this sermon asks about our discipleship.