
Using an illustration based on a Scottish New Year's tradition, this children's sermon reminds kids that people who follow Jesus should take the first step to care for people who are lonely or sad or need a friend.

Advent: Whose Child is This?

This sermon encourages high expectations as we approach the baby born on Christmas. Whose Child is this? This is the child who transformed all life and will transform our lives if we let Him.

Christmas: Christmas Shame

Mary and Joseph were people of faith and courage. Regardless of gossipy townspeople, regardless of the uncertainty of the future, they were committed: Joseph to his wife and to the child growing within her, and Mary to giving birth to this Little Stranger. Christmas started with a woman's shame and a man's humiliation, with the reproach of Christ and the power of the Spirit of God. This Christmas sermon invites us to be similarly weak in God's service, so we can watch him be strong!

Thankfulness: Where are the Nine?

This creative Thanksgiving sermon looks at the healing of the 10 lepers and imagines what might have happened afterwards. Why didn't they return to give thanks? Like you and me, they were human and had other pressing business. But who's to say that, years later, they didn't realize the gift they'd been given and share their story out of gratitude for what God had done.