Sin: How Sin Began

My fellow sinners, I want to tell you a story. In front of us there are two men. They seem so far away because layers and layers of time and tradition intervene. The only record we have of their existence comes from a group of stories that tell us about the birth of the universe. No archaeologist or historian will ever be able to supply us with more information about them.

Take Me Out to the Ballgame (an object lesson using a baseball)

Imagine a baseball game in which only the pitcher showed up to play for one of the teams. He'd get clobbered! This children's sermon reminds kids that God gave us the church so that we wouldn't have to try to go it alone. Other Christians are there to help us, support us, and make us stronger.

Good Friday: TGI Friday

Do we have a TGI Friday attitude toward the cross? This Easter sermon challenges our cool detachment toward the cross: Keep it on the steeple. Put a bronze one on the altar. Hang one in the baptistry. At least let it get no closer than a nice piece of jewelry. But if we really undertand the cross, we know that it was our sin that put Jesus there.