Good Friday: TGI Friday

Do we have a TGI Friday attitude toward the cross? This Easter sermon challenges our cool detachment toward the cross: Keep it on the steeple. Put a bronze one on the altar. Hang one in the baptistry. At least let it get no closer than a nice piece of jewelry. But if we really undertand the cross, we know that it was our sin that put Jesus there.

Snap Your Fingers (An object lesson using your fingers)

In Sudan, people don't shake hands when they meet friends, they snap their fingers. So, in the language of Sudan, being reconciled to God is translated: "Meet, snapping fingers together again." This kids' sermon reminds us that God wants to snap fingers with us!

Living With an Eraser (An object lesson with an eraser)

"Why would a person want to invent an eraser?" is the question for children in this sermon. One reason is that we all make mistakes and the eraser helps us to correct those mistakes. Our faith in Jesus also gives us an eraser -- the forgiveness of God.