A Love Letter (An object lesson using assorted mail)

If we are a letter from Christ, what kind of letter are we? This children's sermon uses different types of mail to encourage children not to be junk mail, but to offer themselves as a personal letter from Christ.

Abundant Life: How to Live Life to the Fullest

The focal point of this message is the challenge to place or renew our faith in Jesus. When we do so, wel discover what it is to live life to the fullest. We discover that paradox that in losing yourself to Christ's love and grace in the service of others, you find yourself in the abundant life you were created to live!

Resurrection: Is There Really a Resurrection?

Is there really a resurrection? Jesus taught that there was, and He was raised from the cold grip of death Himself! According to this Easter sermon, we must run like Peter and John did to see about news this good. If true, nothing will ever be the same again.