Search our library of sermon outlines for fresh ideas preaching a powerful message every week of the year. Browse sermons from renowned pastors to see what others are preaching and find new insights into scripture.
When Heaven Came Down Michael A. Milton Based on Luke 1:39-45, this sermon addresses how Jesus Christ condescended to live among His creation due to Mary's humble submission.
The Heart of Generosity Rick Ezell Taken from Mark 12:41-44, this sermons speaks to the heartfelt desire to be generous with our God-given resources.
Go Thy Way He Waited for a Convenient Season Jonathan Spurlock Do you ever try to put Jesus on hold? Remember, He is gracious but will not wait forever.
Go Thy Way: When Jesus Healed a Nobleman’s Son Jonathan Spurlock What role did a father's faith play in his son being healed by the Great Physician?
Go Thy Way When Jesus Healed a Blind Man Jonathan Spurlock It's true we cannot see all that God sees, but we can cry out to Him for guidance.
The Personal and Pastoral Ministry of Jesus for Times Such as Ours Michael A. Milton Based on Revelation 2:1-7, what guidance and comfort can we take in the wake of world events?
Rules for Hoarders Will Thomas How frequently do you take stock of what comprises your life and follow through with some spiritual housekeeping?
The Cross Is a Scandal to Many Robert L. Segress Does Christ's cross represent a scandal to you; and if so, what is your response?
Communion Service-Love Wins Pastor Michael Vaughn Love calls us to the Lord's table, prepared for us that we may remember the mercy and grace He offers.
Go Thy Way Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler Jonathan Spurlock When we approach Jesus with our questions, are we prepared for His response?