Have you ever been to the Court House or Post Office and looked at the Wanted posters? They give great detailed descriptions of the persons peering back at you from their “mug shot.” In Paul’s letter to Philemon, Apphia and Archippus, he says there is a description or “mug shot” of people who are needed and Wanted!
I. Wanted: A Friend (
Friendships are among the most cherished and prized possessions we have in this world. Friendships are greater than the money and lands we own.
A man was wounded in battle during World War I. His friends saw him stagger and about to fall. They gathered so tightly around him that he could not fall and be left to die on the battlefield.
Christians need to rally round brothers and sisters who have been spiritually wounded and are about to fall. It demonstrates true Christian friendship.
II. Wanted: A Faith (
Phillips Brooks defines faith as “Forsaking All I Take Him.” A daring abandonment to Jesus that permits Him to save, guide and rule us.
A faith that produces love. God’s warming presence in a Christian life warm messy spots and absorb those sticky situations of life.
A faith that produces trust. Andrew Murray once wrote: “Never try to arouse faith from within. You cannot stir up faith from the depths of your heart. Leave your heart and look into the face of Christ, and listen to what He tells you about how He will keep you. In other words trust Christ.”
A faith that produces goodness. Someone said: that the individual who believes in goodness has the base of all faith. That person is a person of cheerful yesterdays and confident tomorrows.
III. Wanted: A Future (
A future with Christ. When we take Christ into our lives we have a future with Jesus.
A future with desire. When we ask Jesus to come into our lives there is a great desire to abundantly live! A future with Him makes us hold on tenaciously to life here and eternally.
A future with others. A person who has life in Christ desires to introduce people to his best friend. That they, too, may share a future eternally.